
2009-09-28 7:39 am
1.Do you have any childern?
NO,i don't have.(這樣回答對嗎)

2.How to say this word.點說這個生字呀?

3.Yesterday was 35 degree,it was the most hottest in this year,many people like swimming,thus swimming pool crowdly.

回答 (4)

2009-09-28 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, I don't. / No, I don't have any.
No, I have no children. / No, I have none.

How to say this word? (This is okay.)
How to pronounce this word?
What is the correct way to pronounce this word?

(Another two common questions:)
How do you say this in English?
How to say it?

3. Yesterday was the hottest day in this year. The temperature was 35 degrees. Many people went swimming, and so all the swimming pools were very crowded.

2009-09-28 00:35:36 補充:
'How do you pronounce this word?' can also be used when a word has multiple pronunciations, especially when its British and American pronunciations differ.
But the question is well understood in most cases.
參考: Myself
2009-09-28 8:04 pm


2009-09-28 9:16 am
1.Do you have any childern?
NO,i don't have.(這樣回答對嗎)<-------Wrong!

Do you have any chilDREN?

No, I don't. ( Short answer)

No, I don't have any.<------
"Have" is a transitive verb which means it takes an object.

2009-09-28 01:26:29 補充:
2. How do you pronounce this word?<-------Correct


It was 35 degrees Celsius and the hottest day of the year.

Many people went SWIMMING, so lots of swimming pools became so crowded.
2009-09-28 7:52 am
1. No, I don't have any.

2. How do you pronounce this word?

3. It was 35 degrees Celsius yesterday. It was the hottest day of this year. Many people went to swim, and so the swimming pools were crowded.

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