
2009-09-28 6:36 am



朋輩引誘 初次索K



毒癮日深 沉迷虛幻

 軒仔索K後,大腦受到刺激,分不清現實與虛幻,罔顧自身安全,在馬路上橫衝直撞只是等閒. 他已上癮。每日無K不歡,每半小時便吸食一次,每天劑量由五至六克到十幾克不等,濫藥的其他後遺症亦開始出現。

回答 (4)

2009-10-03 5:17 am
Please help a translation to do English and pretty much appreciate a blessing in disguise, how know non- blessing.This is the Chinese intelligence.BE arrested by the police and is closed into Cheng to teach, far from good matter;But let the young man recognize pure reality, introspect a self and turn over a new leaf.Serving prison term is a blessing is a disaster?The Xuan Zi grows mettlesome carriage and lives without the sorrow, but not intentional to learn, all day long thoroughly bored, feel that the life is tedious.Usually have never stepped into while plusing to go home the family then hears the parents fighting and urging him usually loiter grounds, such as park and bar...etc. more and smoking cigarette, gossiping irresponsibly together with friend. The companion generation lures first time Suo K want nearbyonly of friend over medicine, mutual influence under, then be very easily lured, make track for the in a flash feeling of that so-called"the good high good free". Originally, the Xuan Zis all worry over the medicine will kill a person and once tried luring of brush-off bad company as well, but finally could not stood arousing of friend Chai method, a "I surprised Mie  ", then the Suo go into a sip"K Zi". The day of the drug addiction deeply addicts vain
2009-10-03 12:07 am
Yet every lining.This is an intelligent of the Chinese people.Arrested by the police, was put into correctional institution, is by no means a good thing; but let young people a clear understanding of and reflect on their own reality.Jail, be to blame?

Xuan Tsai looks has an imposing appearance, , no worries, but life unmotivated entail all the day long, boring life.Plus home often did not set foot in the door of her heard parents led him to seek more frequented parks, pubs and other places, together with friends smoke, that's a lie.

Peer lure first cable K

As long as drug-using friends, interactions, they will easily lured pursuit of the so-called "good high good free" moments.

 Originally, Inn Tsai are concerned about drug abuse will be dead, also tried to deny the gang friends but in the end the blindingly obvious that I can't stand peer, I was shocked to hear the words "," Jack, what forms pesos into the first bite ketamine.

The craving for indulging in the illusory day
It seems that those who hear voices illusion, such jubilation, is the so-called high.

 Xuan Tsai, cable K brain stimulation, thinking and illusion, its disregard for their own safety on a rampage in the street, just an ordinary person. He was hooked.K per day, not every half hour take daily dose at a time, from five to six grams to more than ten grams, among other sequel also began to appear.
參考: 自己
2009-09-29 4:51 am
"Losing a jewel doesn't mean that you aren't auspicious". This idiom reflects the wisdoms of Chinese civilization. Being arrested by police and getting imprisoned in Correction Office were no longer a wholesome experience. But, it effectively enabled youngsters to identify reality, with an attempt of self-reflection and re-modification. Should imprisonment regarded as either an auspicious or a disaster?

Hin Tsai was an energetic guy with amiable temperarments. He did not need to worry about his livelihoods. But, Hin Tsai was annoyed with academic studies and enjoyed nonchalance throughout the days. Hin Tsai regarded his life as a boredom. Meanwhile, as he often found his parents arguing before returning home, Hin Tsai prefered to hang around the public areas like parks or pubs. He followed his peers to cultivate a smoking and gossiping habit.

2009-09-28 20:52:48 補充:
{Temptation from Peers, Initial Experience in Drug-Abuse}

Whenever your friends were found of drug-abuse, you would be tempted very easily under a status of mutual-affection. It is because, youngsters adore to enjoy the momentary excitement of addition.

2009-09-28 20:53:25 補充:
From the beginning, Hin Tsai reserved his anxiety upon the fatality of drug-abuse. He had ever tried to refuse his friends' temptations. Unfortunately, Hin Tsai could not resist the provocations from his peers.

2009-09-28 20:53:46 補充:
By making an impulsive response of "How come I would be afraid of it", Hin Tsai attempted the first ketamine pill of his life.

2009-09-28 20:54:11 補充:
{Intensification of drug addition, Fascination in illusions}

Those illusions belonged to the symtoms in which Hin Tsai was alerted of the fancy noises. Those noises caused a sense of delight on Hin Tsai's mentality, which is regarded by Hong Kong dialogues as "high" or "lofty feelings".

2009-09-28 20:54:32 補充:
After his inital abuse on ketamine, Hin Tsai's brain suffered from a severe stimulation. He failed to define the difference between reality and virtual world.

2009-09-28 20:54:56 補充:
He neglected his personal safety and rushed through the traffic roads with leisures. Hin Tsai gots addicted. He could not get spiritual grafitication without regular ketamine pills.

2009-09-28 20:55:16 補充:
He took the pills every half an hour. His daily dosage increased from 5 grams or 6 grams to 10 grams or onwards. Sequela began to abnormally emerge in Hin Tsai's pyhsical status.

2009-09-28 21:00:24 補充:
頭果句的open & close quotation mark有亂碼,句子應該係:
"Losing a jewel doesn't mean that you aren't auspicious".

另外有grammar mistake:
Should imprisonment regarded as either an auspicious or a disaster?
應該為:Should imprisonment be regarded as either an auspicious or a disaster?
2009-09-28 8:06 pm



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