
2009-09-28 2:33 am
我之前用特區護照(澳洲學生簽證)入境澳洲, 我宜家可唔可以用第二本護照,如BNO (但冇簽證)係澳洲出境.

回答 (2)

2009-09-28 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
我之前用特區護照(澳洲學生簽證)入境澳洲, 我宜家可唔可以用第二本護照,如BNO (但冇簽證)係澳洲出境.

You can, but it is important for you to bring the expired HKSAR passport as well (The one you still have the visa on).

If you do not bring the expired HKSAR passport, they will question you (Take you to a room and question you. But since they have all the record of you (nationality, Name, Date of Birth and etc) they will let you though.

That is, assume your student visa is not expired...
2009-09-28 3:54 pm
假設你两本護照 (BNO &特區)都係有效,即距離 expiry date有6個月至三年有效期。
1. 用特區護照 (有有效學生簽證),你可逗留澳洲,直至簽證到期 (然後再續簽,方可繼續逗留)。
2. 若你係用BNO 出入境,移民局將視你為旅游簽證入境,在出境時,會 query你是持何種簽證入境,如不能令其滿意,可能被視為逾期居留,更可能被發覺而致學生簽證吊銷,分分鐘自己捉蟲。
3. 環顧現今世界上,只有香港移民局咁大方,持乜嘢證件出入都冇乜問題。

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