
2009-09-27 8:33 am
What's youe date of birth?
what's the date of you birth?
when is your birthday?

which sentence is correct, above thee sentences?

How long does a game (last)? what does this sentence mean?why last?

she (was) already engaged to David. why was? when you meet already ,is it ues p.p form?

I have seen many about marry,like (get married), (got married), ( marry), ( married), (was married)..how can we choose one ? I have seen (we are married),(i am married).

I will get married.
I will marry.

any different above two sentences?

I am confusing with (marry) this word.

help,help and help

回答 (3)

2009-09-27 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
What's your date of birth? = What's the date of your birth? = When is your birthday?

How long does a game last? = 一場比賽(遊戲)維持多久?

She was engaged to David = 她(過去)曾與 David 訂婚。

"Marry" is a transitive verb (及物動詞) to be followed by an object, while "married" is the past participle form (a passive adjective) of the verb "marry".

Eg. I am going to marry Alice next week. = Alice and I are going to get married next week.

Marry = 娶 / 嫁

Married = 結了婚 / 被娶了 / 被嫁了

Hope that you're confused no more by now!

2009-09-27 02:24:23 補充:
十分感謝 abc1230321abc 來信提醒:

What's your date of birth? = What's the date of your birth?


而 When is your birthday? 問的是何時生日,只答日子便已足夠。

故此 ,When is your birthday? 不等如 What's your date of birth? 或 What's the date of your birth?

Sorry for the confusion!

2009-09-27 02:47:17 補充:

I believe that you must have received my reply.

By the way, I made a statement about your concern with 補充內容. Somehow, it just disappeared a few minutes later!

Sounds a little like X-Files?


2009-09-27 02:59:58 補充:
Thanks for abc1230321abc who is kind enough to have pointed out my blindspot!

"What's your date of birth" is equal to "What's the date of your birth". The answer for them should be in the form of dd/mm/yy.

However, the answer for "When is your birthday" can be "today", "tomorrow" or "next week".
2009-09-27 9:43 am
Carl Tang, I have sent you an email concerning this question.

Would you please check it out? Thank you!
2009-09-27 9:13 am
1,when is your birthday? ( correct)
2,How long does a game (last)? what does this sentence mean?
why last?
It means 遊戲要玩多久?
3,she (was) already engaged to David. why was? when you meet already ,is it uses p.p form?
=之前, 唔一定
4,I will get married.=我會獲得已婚 (我覺得呢句有D古怪)
I will marry.=我會結婚

Hope I can help u!

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