主題: 攪小圈子 (中譯英)

2009-09-26 11:49 pm
"攪小圈子" 英文可以怎樣表達呢?
(可以有例句就更加好, 謝謝!)

1) 只要有我滿意的答案一出現, 或者我肯定那一個是最佳的答案,
我通常都唔會等到限期就解決問題 (即係隨時都會解決).
2) 回答者無需勉強自己跟足我的原文翻譯, 只要你認為你所寫的係地道英文就可以啦!
3) 我保證會尊重每一位回答者, 和不會隨便移除題目 (除非我的題目本身出錯).
4) 解決問題的同時, 我會盡可能解釋我選答案的標準, 務求做到一個負責任的發問者.
5) 即使問題己解決, 但如果我找到有用的資料, 我都會張貼在有關的題目, 令資料更加豐富, 更加全面.

回答 (2)

2009-09-27 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ans: To form their own circle.
Example:We cannot negotiate with Helen, Jason, and all their friends. They have teamed up to form their own circle against us./ They have formed their own circle against us.
參考: If you happen to spot any of my mistakes.Do let me know.Thanks
2017-03-25 4:53 am
Consider old boys' club / network:

Theirs is an old boys' club/network. Others can't get in easily.
It's the old boy's club. They look out for each other, outsiders are excluded.

Ed, English tutor
[email protected]

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