
2009-09-26 11:41 pm
Q1.Where does salad come from?

Q2.Need salad's origin

回答 (2)

2009-09-28 1:35 am
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A1.salad comes from Romanus.

A2.在中世紀,一個長冬以後,人們會以鹹肉來醃製菜,成為沙律的祖先,又有傳沙律源於羅馬帝國。普遍的歷史斷言,農民比貴族吃了更多沙律,並且沙律更健康,比貴族的肉食更好。 記者約翰·伊夫林(John Evelyn)寫了一本有關沙律的書《Acetaria: A Discourse on Sallets》,那本書描述沙律來自意大利或荷蘭。
A2.The diarist John Evelyn wrote a book on salads, Acetaria: A Discourse on Sallets (1699), that describes the new salad greens like "sellery" (celery), coming out of Italy and the Netherlands. Recently, salads have been sold commercially in supermarkets for those who do not have time to prepare a home-made salad, at restaurants (restaurants will often have a "Salad Bar" laid out with salad-making ingredients, which the customer will use to put together their salad) and at fast-food chains specialising in health food. Fast-food chains such as McDonald's and KFC, that typically sell "junk food" such as hamburgers, fries, and fried chicken, have begun selling packaged salads to appeal to the health-conscious.
參考: 维基百科
2009-09-27 11:48 pm
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在中世紀,一個長冬以後,人們會以鹹肉來醃製菜,成為沙拉的祖先,又有傳沙拉源於羅馬帝國。普遍的歷史斷言,農民比貴族吃了更多沙拉,並且沙拉更健康,比貴族的肉食更好。 記者約翰伊夫林(John Evelyn)寫了一本有關沙拉的書《Acetaria: A Discourse on Sallets》,那本書描述沙拉來自義大利或荷蘭。

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