
2009-09-26 9:13 pm



跑完步唔可以即刻沖涼,會病嫁,止汗劑果D,我都有用,但係我唔想太過依賴, 同點解會有腥味?

回答 (3)

2009-10-09 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
跑完步又不能即刻沖涼, 但又唔想有汗臭味畀人聞到, 最安全又衛生的方法, 就係唯有在跑完步帶多條毛巾去抹身索汗, 然後侍身體乾爽後把帶來的乾淨衣服換上了. 即是說, 會次跑步你都要帶套衫去換 (包埋內衣).

不依賴止汗劑的觀念是絕對正確的 (也非常讚賞你有這個意識). 因為乳癌的成的原因, 有報道指是因為女士的脫毛物品及止汗劑有關. 以往只有女士才有的乳癌, 現在男士也有患上的情況, 就我所理解, 這是因為近來也有男士的止汗劑有關.

人體的大汗腺主要分布在腋窩、鼻翼、外耳道、腹股溝、會陰部等部位,腋下榜上有名, 由於廣告經常宣揚腋下有汗則不雅的訊息, 所以止汗劑是搽腋窩的 (我也沒見過人把止汗劑搽在其他部位). 乳癌起病的病位, 是在腋下區附近 (如: 乳房) 發現硬塊或其他不甚常的情況 (如: 出血, 變形等). 止汗劑是抑制身體排汗的物品, 汗腺被抑制不把汗排出, 便把汗、毒素困在汗腺內, 而發汗是人體正常、應有的新陳代謝, 把細菌及毒素困在體內, 對身體是有害無利的. 另外, 止汗劑、脫毛用品等含有香味劑 及 沒有在商品說明的物質, 這些物質長期刺激皮膚便會使細胞變異, 慢慢地演變為惡性細胞 (即癌細胞).

雖然乳癌的病因還有其他因素 (例如: 情緒鬱結、現代的變種食物 (激素食品)、藥物等等) , 但以上的刺激物已被肯定對乳癌的其中致病因素.

雖然每次帶毛巾帶衫去跑步係辛苦一點, 但致少避開了一種患乳癌的成因.

至於汗為何有臭味 / 腥味的問題, 是因為汗水遇到細菌 (包括身上、衣物等) 產生的化學作用而致. (所以你還敢用止汗劑來把汗及細菌封閉在體內?)
2009-10-11 12:04 am
Let's have a look at the pathway of sweating:

During exercise, the body burns glucose inside our cells to produce heat and energy to do the work. There is a normal reserve of glucose in forms of glycogen and fat that can be broken down into sugar as required. However, if there isn't enough of either or they are not broken down quick enough for the need, the body will call up another source of energy: our muscles. Muscles are made of proteins that can be split up via a biological chain reaction to produce energy at the end. However, since there is a lot of Nitrogen in proteins, our body is left with a high level of it as a waste product in the blood. Now if the kidneys are not working fast enough to pass it into urine (in form of urea, actually), the excess amount will be excreted through sweating. That's why sweat can be smelly or fishy as described in this post.


1. A high carbohydrate intake just before exercise will reduce the chance of using body muscle (protein) for energy which will in turn reduce ammonia level while sweating.
2. A sweetened drink will provide sugar directly for fuel with the same effect as above.


1. Avoid using high protein foods, drinks or anyrthing muscle, body building health diet before or during exercise. This feeds heaps of ammonia for smelly sweat.


If those ideas don't work, mix half bottle (50ml) of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in a full bath tub of hot water then soak whole body in for 30 minutes. This can sanitise the whole body (skin, crevices and all), get rid of some odour producing germs that might be the culprit, including our normally offensive body odours as well.

Hope this will solve the problem for you.

2009-10-10 16:14:06 補充:
Fishy smell comes from excess ammonia. The body odour that is stinky actually comes from normal sweat broken down by the friendly bacteria on our skin. It's safe to use deodorants to reduce sweating in problem areas such as armpits and groin.

More to follow

2009-10-10 16:14:25 補充:
The body is smart to channel sweat from those areas to other parts of our body. Using deodorants are safe in this regard but try those options as described. At least you are not relying on artificial means.

參考: 澳洲 (美國) 臨床藥劑師
2009-09-26 9:21 pm

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