
2009-09-26 8:24 pm

這樣可能清楚些 : ) 核能發電加熱水分,推動蒸汽鍋爐產生動能,這核能發電過程中會否消耗氧氣?

回答 (2)

2009-09-27 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Commercial nuclear power reactors make use of nuclear fission of enriched uranium-238 as fuel. The reaction process doesn't required any oxygen molecules.
In the heat exchanger, the heated water at around 350'C from the reactor is used to heat up water in another circuit (the secondary circuit), turnung it into steam to drive the turbines. This process is a normal heat exchange and vapourization process that only involves the transfer and absorption of heat/ Since the absorption of latent heat by water doesn't require the presence of oxygen. Hence, there is no consumption of oxygen.
In fact, nuclear reactors (usually of pressurized water reactor type) are installed in nuclear submarines, where the supply of oxygen is very very limited. This is just an advantage for not requiring any oxygen in using nuclear reactor in producing electricity to power the submarine.
2009-09-26 8:34 pm

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