” 健康工作間 ,強健身體心好簡單 ”呢句野既英文應該點譯?

2009-09-26 5:06 am
" 健康工作間 ,強健身體心好簡單 "

打錯 ~ 應該係 " 健康工作間 ,強健心臟好簡單 " 呢句野既英文應該點譯?

回答 (4)

2009-10-01 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
這句押韻的「職業安全健康」(Occupation Safety and Health)口號,可以這樣用英語表達:
A safe and healthy workplace keeps our hearts strong and healthy in a simple way.

2009-09-30 20:52:24 補充:
" 健康工作間 ,強健心臟好簡單 "
A safe and healthy workplace keeps our hearts strong and healthy in a simple way.
2009-09-29 12:10 am
" 健康工作間 ,強健心臟好簡單 "
A healthy working envronment would simply (easily) strengthen the cardiac.
Note: I rather use the word "easily (容易地)" instead of simply (簡單地)
參考: Self
2009-09-26 11:33 am
To maintain a healthy working environment, it is very simple to strengthen the heart and the physical wellbeing.
2009-09-26 8:30 am
A healthy workplace good for cardiac health

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:04:13
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