what is a cooker switch? 曲架掣

2009-09-26 1:55 am
Electrical question

What is 曲架掣?
and what is the different compare to a normal Light Switch?

i know 曲架掣 usualy have higher amp, 15 and above..
and some have light on the swtich.

and some have fuse some have not...

but I want to know.. what is the different bettween a Cooker and a none cooker...

thanks alot...

回答 (6)

2009-09-27 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is What is 曲架掣?
and what is the different compare to a normal Light Switch??

曲架掣和一般的燈掣 (Light Sitch)最主要的分別是 :
1,曲架掣 的負載電流較大,15A或以上 !
2,曲架掣 是雙極 (Double Pole),

三極(Triple pole),
彧四極 (4Pole),
可以在開或關時將所有導體隔離 !
燈掣 一般燈掣單極開關 (single pole)
或異常時只能隔離中性線 .

2009-09-26 19:58:33 補充:
醒咗些少 !
哈,哈 !
2009-09-27 5:00 am
please respect hong kong and malay.
cooker switch difference to regular switch,
cooker switch major for large cuurent such as water heater,industrial instrument,many of than up to 20A.
cooker switch have single phase 220V,3 Phase 380V Or ether,the current limited just up to you,
or you may say cooker switch can be a regular switch when you are amateur.
be careful,do not connect cooker switch in wrong way,
electrical working let the electrician to finish,
do be electrocuted.!!

2009-09-26 21:01:09 補充:
do not be electrocuted.
2009-09-26 8:21 am
2009-09-26 8:20 am

2009-09-26 08:18:51 補充:

2009-09-27 00:41:10 補充:
2009-09-26 6:45 am
曲架掣 Cooker Switch 為英式叫法, 一種用嚟大功率煮食電器嘅開關掣 , 係 20A 以上先用。





後期啲人用來做任何大功率電器嘅開關掣, 包括冷氣, 電熱水器, 射燈, 甚至摩打等。
香港佬翻譯名詞請參考. http://www.ktklgss.edu.hk/www/dt/list.htm

馬拉仔叫雙極開關 / 隔離器 附顯示燈 double pole switch / isolator with indicating light

2009-09-26 21:14:46 補充:
其實呢啲係虛疑博士,你地已經睇到爲何我既回答率仲係咁低,因爲我唔想升級,歡迎你地升級發財,版主問 cooker switch & light switch 有乜分別,同埋除佐大電流之外有乜唔同,其實好簡單

1. 燈制只開關火線,曲架制連中線都開關,大件電器如果漏電較難拆,只有用雙極開關就能夠將其分開啦。

2. 燈制電流太細,唔能夠負載大電流。

3. 當然價錢相差好大。
2009-09-26 4:57 am
what is a cooker switch? 曲架掣由於一般電器電流不太大時,開關時接觸產生火花不多,問題不大,但大電流時,一般電制火花多,而cooker switch要很快短時間令接點接合,減少火花產生!

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