請問可唔可以hand carry網球拍上飛機呀?

2009-09-25 10:06 am
我將會搭國泰機去加拿大溫哥華, 聽講網球拍是不可以手提拿上機的, 一定要寄倉, 是不是呢?
但我又好驚寄倉球拍會撞爛, 請問有什麼方法可以避過呢?

回答 (3)

2009-09-27 3:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, your racket is not in the restricted items list. So there is no reason why they are not allow you put in hand carry.
Here is the link to look at. 網球拍 is not in the list.

And one of the answer, said 大鬧櫃台. please don't try. If the item is restricted. They are not allows to offer the permit to you.
2009-09-27 7:03 am
I think u can bring into CX's flight.... this only applies on the Australia port....!!
2009-09-26 4:28 pm
如果坐國泰就一定要寄倉. 要避開既除非你做得到大鬧櫃台, 就算比你成功, 你都會比旁邊既人白眼, 所以呢個方法唔好做.(真係可行嫁, 有d野蠻既客人真係咩面都唔要)
其實真係要寄既, 可以問佢地囉個大盒, 跟住貼番幾張易碎, 再叫佢地用人手運去地牢, 雖然佢地會叫你簽番免責聲明, 不過都係唔駛太擔心, 咁做出事既機會真係微到好微.

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