i miss my ex girlfriend?

2009-09-25 5:19 am
me and my ex broke up about a month ago and im having trouble. she told me when we broke up that shell always love me and she doesnt know what the future holds. she broke up with me because she said she wanted to be her own person. shes a senior in hs. one of her friends told me about 3 weeks ago that shes sad and trying to cope with it by going out alot. weve talked twice since the breakup. i texted her both times. both times we had normal long conversations. but i havent talked to her in 10 days. would the best thing be to not text her anymore and let her realize what shes missing? and wouldnt going out alot catch up to a girl eventually? thanks!

回答 (11)

2009-09-25 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
ya stop texting her and then shell be like wtf and she'll start realizing that she was wrong for breaking up with you and act like you don't care
參考: myself
2009-09-25 12:37 pm
As much as it may seem like a cliche I would tell her how you feel. Once you've done that give her space and let her choose what she wants to do next. Just remember to stay respectful, that way nothing bad becomes the outcome.
Good luck!
2009-09-25 12:27 pm
Hey man, I am sorry to hear that. This can be pretty difficult. I just broke up with my girlfriend of 1.5 years about a month ago (I am a senior in college). It is good that you were willing to communicate with her a couple times, but by now it is good for you not to have contact with her. Let her work through it with her girl friends and you need to work through it with the support of guy friends. Also, don't be so cocky that you think that she needs to realize what she is missing. When relationships don't work out, there is almost always fault on both sides. Going out isn't the best way to cope, but you are not in the place to give her advice. Let her go and you both will be better off in the long run. I hope all this helps and things work out for you.
2009-09-25 12:27 pm
Leave her alone Jeremy : she's really trying hard to get over you and you should resperct that. She's going out a lot and doing a humping a lot of guys - that's the best a gal can do to put the past behind her.
2009-09-25 12:25 pm
i would do one more thing b4 you stop contacting her all together, ok you can tell she misses u and she sees that aswell , and its clear that you do aswell and tht the love is still there for each other, and i would send her one single red rose with a note saying you are always in my heart and if you ever want to talk i m just a call away , i miss you love whatver your name is lol and thats it ,
2009-09-25 12:25 pm
hahaha you white boi's crack me up

give her some space bro just try to move on as much as possible then youll get over her just stop thinking about her.
2009-09-25 12:24 pm
Don't go out with her again. Never. It's called a break-up because it's broken. And if you get back together again, you're going to break-up faster.

Now's this answer you're probably not going to pick it as the best because it's what you need to hear. Not what you want to hear.
參考: Experience is a hard teacher because she gives you the test first, and the lesson afterward.
2009-09-25 12:24 pm
i'm having a VERY similar situation mann

of cause u miss her, you still have feelings for her
if she's not initiating anything..like txts, conversations or what not...
just let her be

you keep urself busy, take your minds off things

if it's meant to be, it will happen again
2009-09-25 12:24 pm
send her a card telling her that you love her and you twocould be together and she could still have her own life. ask her what you could do to be a better friend.
2009-09-25 12:22 pm
You should move on. Stop hurting her and yourself. If she comes back to you, then it's up to you to decide what to do.

But moving on would be best, handsome. :)

answer me? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqNbxNuPrctjib1Z2_rM.ensy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090923134710AAjEmYU
2009-09-25 12:20 pm
stop contacting her.
move on.
if you two are really meant for each other. you both will always be together.
just give her space.

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