what is the right age to get married?

2009-09-24 7:14 pm

回答 (4)

2009-09-28 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there is no right age.........

but there is a right maturity age.....

there is a right person......

there is a right time.... and a right place...

but no right age.
2009-09-25 2:16 am
At the age you'll be financially independent and have a good idea of what you want out of life.
2009-09-25 2:26 am
I say twenty -- two is too young to be married, and twenty -- four is too old to be single !
2009-09-25 2:40 am
I don't think it matters. The real question is, is it right for me to even GET married? Singleness has it's blessings...

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