my new born always hungry?

2009-09-24 12:30 pm
Hes 12 days old and wanting formula every 2 1/2 hours 3 ozs shall i put him up to 4 ozs maybe that will fill him up and he will go longer between feeds?? please help feel loike im constanly feeding him

回答 (12)

2009-09-24 1:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Its normal.
2009-09-24 7:42 pm
Thats what babies do when they are newborns.
Every 2-3hrs is when pretty much all 12 day olds eat.
I dont know why you wouldnt want to feed him when hes hungry, thats what your suppose to do. Everytime your little guy is hungry, you feed him whether you think its too often or not, bc he is hungry.

You could try giving them 4oz but chances are he wont eat it bc his tummy will get full after 2oz. When they are that young their tummies are still really tiny thats why they eat every 2-3hrs bc they get full fast but digest it fast as well, and want more 2-3hrs later.
參考: Mother Of Two Wonderful Boys(: 5years old. 2mths 3weeks old.
2009-09-24 7:36 pm
hes only 12 days old, they're like that for the first month generally. Their bellies are so tiny they cant hold much "food" in and it quickly goes out of them. Hence why they need to feed every 2 hours!
2009-09-24 7:34 pm
every 2 1/2 hours is normal for a 12 day old, you can up it to 4oz but he is still most likely going to eat every couple of hours,
2009-09-24 10:11 pm
My little girl is 15 days old and has been having 4oz since she was about 7 days old. She's not a big baby - 6lbs 15oz when she was born.

She will go anything from between 2 to 4 hours between feeds. It's exhausting, but their tummies are sooo small at this stage and they don't have the fat stores to be able to go for longer between feeds.

Hope that helps!!
2009-09-24 9:02 pm
I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too
2009-09-24 8:37 pm
you can try and put him up to 4 but he might not drink it, it is normal for babies that young to do that, i was breastfeeding for the first 2 weeks and she was always there..literally! just be patient with him :)
2009-09-24 8:14 pm
my baby was like that wanting to eat all the time and she 7months old now and loves to eat
2009-09-24 8:07 pm
Ok here is my 4 month old baby girls feeding Diary... lol

9am- 3oz of milk and 5 spoons of cereal
10.30am- 3oz of milk
12.30pm- 2oz of milk and 5 spoons of cereal
14pm- 2oz of milk
16pm- 2oz of milk
17pm- 5 spoons of dinner
19pm- 3oz of milk
20.30pm- 2oz of milk
23pm- 3oz of milk
3am- 3oz of milk

She eats so little so often... I have to record her feeds to make sure she is getting enough.. If I were you I would be happy that your baby is a hungry baby because sometimes feeding is a battle with my girl... I was told to put her on solids to help with her daily intake... I will be going back to doctors on tues for her check up and 4month injections.. It is hard But don't worry you are not alone and my baby is 4 months and every 2-3 hours... Sometimes she is up 2-3 times a night... Good Luck
2009-09-24 8:00 pm
You need to feed him as often as he wants feeding - my baby is 23 days old and feeds every 3-4 hours however has some days where its only 2.5 hours between, they have small tummies which need filling often!

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