
2009-09-24 11:42 pm
我會係倫敦逗留 2 天半。請問用什麽 Card最平宜及方便?

回答 (3)

2009-09-25 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
depends where u r going!

if u r planning to take underground and bus a lot, then u can buy travel card!

if u r only going to take bus most of the bus, u can buy bus pass la!! coz it's much cheaper!! i recommend you to take buses rather than underground, so that u can look around london more! also underground is very crowded and dirty in london la.... i hate it very much!!

u can print off the bus route map on www.tfl.gov.uk
u can go most of the sightseeing places by bus!!!

very easy!!!
參考: living in uk
2009-09-25 3:57 am
最方便係你到地鐵站同買飛櫃枱個個人講話買3 day travel card,就可以係zone 1-2任搭既任何時間都搭得既價錢係£18.40
你買左e張pass呢你可以係london搭地鐵啦 巴士都用得,巴士就咁上車show一show張証就得,地鐵就係入飛既。
((*同埋搭得地鐵既pass都可以搭巴士zone1-6都得既,就算你張travel pass係zone1-2都得*))


參考: 自己係英國住
2009-09-25 12:13 am
1-3 day travelcards is the best choices !it starts from 5.20.for unlimtied travel 9.30am-4.30am next morning !!!

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