[急] : 請幫忙翻譯 (中譯英) 謝謝!

2009-09-24 7:21 pm
麻煩各位,請將以下兩個中文句子翻譯成英文句子,萬分感激啊 :-)

(1) 在經濟不景的大勢所趨下,工作量也許不如以前的忙碌,但依然不會放鬆,要做好自己本份,更加積極投入工作。

(2) 除了學術/知識上的培訓對同事有效益外,適當的運動/興趣課程也會改善大家的心理/生理質素,從而提升工作效率。

回答 (6)

2009-09-25 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) After the impact of the economic tsunami, easing will not appear in our mind even now we are not as busy as before. We have to take our part well and put in more effort in ours.

(2) Colleagues have increased with their knowledge from training courses, adequate extra co-curricular activities can also enhance the defence of metal and physical illness. This can increase the efficiency of working.

2009-09-24 20:04:51 補充:
not "metal", is "mental". wrong typing.
參考: myself
2009-10-01 11:31 am
(1) The workload is not as heavy as before due to the economic downturn. Yet we will not lessen our effort, instead we will give our best shot and get more involved in the job.

(2) Apart from the benefits of academic/knowledge training to the staffs, adequate exercise/interest courses will improve the quality of our physical and psychological well-being. In that way, it will enhance the efficiency of the work.

2009-09-30 1:31 am
1.Under the influence of the economic crisis, workload remains the same as before, yet we cannot relax. We must do our best, get even more involved in the job.

2. Educational upgrade is not the only thing that benefits the colleagues, exercise will also be beneficial to our mental health and quality of living, while increasing our efficiency at work.
參考: me
2009-09-26 8:57 pm
1.The current economic downturn, the workload of the general trend, might as well used to be busy, but still not relaxed, to do your work, play a more active.

2009-09-26 12:57:29 補充:

2009-09-26 12:57:46 補充:
In addition to the academic/training on knowledge on colleagues efficiency, interest in physical activities/programmes to improve our quality of psychological/Physiology, so as to enhance productivity.
2009-09-24 9:00 pm
(1) The general trend of economic downturn, the workload might as well used to be busy, but still not going to relax, to make your work more actively.

(2) In addition to the academic/training on knowledge on colleagues, interest in physical activities/programmes to improve our quality of psychological/Physiology so as to enhance productivity.
參考: me a
2009-09-24 8:20 pm
1.Under the influence of the economic crisis, workload remains the same as before, yet we cannot relax. We must do our best, get even more involved in the job.

2. Educational upgrade is not the only thing that benefits the colleagues, exercise will also be beneficial to our mental health and quality of living, while increasing our efficiency at work.

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