business (level) strategy問題

2009-09-24 11:20 am
business strategy = business level strategy嗎?

does it just focus on 7's P?


咁如果李+x話我要將個廠搬去大陸降低成本,這算corporate 還是business level 呢?


有甚麼簡單的方法去分辨corporate level和business level呢?



回答 (1)

2009-09-25 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, business strategy = business-level strategy
This is the strategy which is normally made among the business units themselves. It considers how to sustain competitive advantages through
- pricing (e.g. average price, above average price or below average price)
- products (e.g. what products in what market?)
- product differentiation (high price for high-quality products, e.g. CSL 1010)
- the lock-in of customers (e.g. I have to buy Microsoft Office because every computer runs on Microsoft Windows)
In other words,
business strategy = business-level strategy = marketing strategy

2009-09-25 19:38:05 補充:
It is more than 7 P.

2009-09-25 19:38:17 補充:
Let me give you an example. Hutchison Whampoa is a big corporation which operates smaller business units as retail chains (e.g. Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons, 3), container terminals, hotels, etc. Business-level strategies are strategies made by Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons, etc themselves.

2009-09-25 19:39:10 補充:
For your information, strategies made by Li Ka Shing at the top are known as corporate-level strategies.

2009-09-26 02:13:56 補充:
間廠是屬於 business unit 的, 而降低成本是降低 business unit 的成本, 所以這是 business-level strategy. 雖然係李+x話, 但他算是提供意見罷.

2009-09-28 03:29:56 補充:
Business-level strategy 通常是低層次一些, 例如是你所說的降低成本, 這是和 business unit (e.g. Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons) 的業務有關, 但並不局限於 marketing, 除了 7P 之外, 還有你所說的搬廠到外地, 或在外地設新廠, 這就是 business-level strategy.

2009-09-28 03:30:06 補充:
Corporate-level strategy 是比較高層次的, 如涉及收購其他公司成為旗下的 business unit, 又或者開拓新業務, 舉例說, 李+x旗下已經有 Watsons 個人護理及藥房, 現在決定開拓新業務設立私家醫院, 這算是 corporate-level strategy.

2009-09-29 14:43:33 補充:
其實我只想引用高層次和低層次的比喻來幫助你理解 business-level strategy 和 corporate-level strategy. 如果決策是出自於各 business unit 本身並只牽涉該 business unit 自己, 這就是 business-level strategy. 如果決策是出自於 corporate HQ, 經集團董事局議決, 這就是 corporate-level strategy.

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