BNO 與 特區護照 出入境問題

2009-09-24 9:34 am

然後 我可唔可以用特區護照出境呢?!

回答 (3)

2009-09-24 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to answer your question from my own experienment...
yes u can . and u can own both BNO and HK passport,
i was born b4 1997 so there u so , at least u are from main land, thn u cant...what a shame.hahaha...
2009-09-24 9:52 am
i have both too..............I think you same as me ......have BNO around 1997...
ok answer ur question....
you can use anyone to go anywhere....
2009-09-24 9:38 am
一個人係唔可以同時擁有兩個國籍 ge~
所以你有 BNO 就唔會有特區護照~
有特區護照就唔會有 BNO~
所以係唔可能發生用一本入用另一本出呢個事情 ga~

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