
2009-09-24 3:54 am

回答 (3)

2009-09-24 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

Product B cannot be compared to this product.
Product B cannot achieve this kind of effect.
Product B is a bit inferior in this field.
Product A is more superior in this.
The above-mentioned are the reasons of causing the problems.
Based on what you said, you are still interested in this product/project? (Yes, but I need some time to consider). Good! I want to reaffirm my thoughts. What are you worried about the most? Is it because of XXX? (No). (The salesperson explained). (Do not stop after asking the above question, otherwise the customer would still be worried, and the deal cannot be closed) Or is it because of XXX? Yes, it is the problem with XXX, correct?
2009-09-25 7:55 am


2009-09-24 9:01 pm
1. This is the product b.
2. This is the product b are not up to this effect
3. product b is more in this area.
4. This is the product a comparative advantage.
5. the above are causing the issue.
6. so, you're obviously this product/interested? (Yes, I would like to take the time to think about it.) ... I would like to reconfirm my thoughts.You least assured? is the xxx? (not) ... (a salesperson's explanation) ... (asked out in a Word, not to pause, the account will say "are" transactions there is no hope.) or the xxx? ... right! is xxx problem, right?
參考: me a

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