positive, negative or question

2009-09-24 3:14 am
What did you do yesterday?
Write positive or negative sentences.

1 ) Watch TV
2 ) Sad
3 ) eat apple
4 ) go to bed before 10pm
5 ) excited


--positive, negative or question--

1 ) We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We __________(enjoy) it.

2 )"I cut my hand the morning." "How __________________(do) that?"

※bite的Past Psrticiples※

回答 (3)

2009-09-24 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
What did you do yesterday?
Write positive or negative sentences.

1 ) Watch TV---- I watched TV./I didn't watch TV.
2 ) Sad---- I was sad./I wasn't sad.
3 ) eat apple---- I ate an apple./I didn't eat an apple.
4 ) go to bed before 10pm---- I went to bed before 10pm./I didn't go to bed before 10pm.
5 ) excited---- I was excited./I wasn't excited.

--positive, negative or question--

1 ) We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We ____didn't enjoy_____(enjoy) it.

2 )"I cut my hand the morning." "How ___did you do_______________(do) that?"
※bite的Past Psrticiples※ A: bitten
參考: 自己
2009-09-27 8:31 am
回答者: natalino_mcc ( 小學級 1 級 )

NEGATIVE: I did watch TV.<---What the heck is this?

3 ) eat apple
POSITIVE: I ate apple.
NEGATVIE: I didn't eat apple.("APPLE" is a countable noun for God's sake!)

2009-09-27 00:32:37 補充:
http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/article?qid=6909092601084( Here is your masterpiece!)

All five sentences are wrong!

2009-09-27 00:33:43 補充:
actually i don't reli think that "Yahoo knowledge" is all that fantastic, cuz i saw many of the repliers are just giving their opinions about the questions, not exactly correct though, so hopefully we are smart enough to

2009-09-27 00:34:15 補充:
distinguish what is right and what is wrong, and be sensible!
and to those who don't know the answers, just "guessing" people, pls don't answer, don't mislead others like u don't want to be misled.( This is what you wrote!)


2009-09-27 00:44:21 補充:
to those who don't know the answers, just "guessing" people, pls don't answer, don't mislead others like u don't want to be misled(Your sentences)

If you do not know how to handle questions, please don't mislead others by giving them your guessed answers.

2009-09-27 00:44:31 補充:
Just try not to mislead them like you don't want to be misled!

I have corrected your sentences and I am giving them back to you!

2009-09-27 00:45:05 補充:
natalino_mcc ( 小學級 1 級 )

Should you stop answering questions on Yahoo?

2009-09-27 00:46:41 補充:

2009-09-27 00:47:54 補充:
One last thing! This forum is for people who would like to learn the English language.

If you do not choose to step down, please please quit showing people

your Internet jargons.
2009-09-24 3:22 am
What did you do yesterday?
Write positive or negative sentences.

1 ) Watch TV
POSITIVE: I watched TV.
NEGATIVE: I did watch TV.

2 ) Sad
POSITIVE: I was sad.
NEGATIVE: I wasn't sad.

3 ) eat apple
POSITIVE: I ate apple.
NEGATVIE: I didn't eat apple.

4 ) go to bed before 10pm
POSITIVE: I went to bed before 10pm
NEGATIVE: I didn't go to bed before 10pm

5 ) excited
POSITIVE: I was excited.
NEGATIVE: I wasn't excited.

--positive, negative or question--

1 ) We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We __________(enjoy) it.

didn't enjoy

2 )"I cut my hand the morning." "How __________________(do) that?"


※bite的Past Psrticiples※ = bitten or bit = both okay=)

2009-09-23 19:24:05 補充:
I cut my hand this morning,

How did you do that?
參考: hope it helps=)

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