AL Organic Chem

2009-09-24 2:52 am
Free Radical Substitution vs Nucleophilic Addition

How can I classify the reaction into which one?

eg. CH4 + Cl2 -> CH3Cl + HCl......

methane + chlorine produces chloromethane + HCl
It is a free radical substitution.

But Inductive Effect etc produce carbocations, which means the total pair of covalent bond electrons are given out to the attached H.

So if now:

trimethyl methane + chlorine is Free Radical Sub or Nucleophilic Add?

eg.C(CH3)3H + Cl2 -> ?

回答 (2)

2009-09-24 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before studying organic reactions, we need to familiarize ourselves with the structral features of functional groups.

In alkanes, like methane, there is no unsaturated carbon-carbon bond so the addition reaction cannot take place. The possible reaction is substitution.
Also, the difference in electronegativity between carbon and hydrogen atom is small so the bond-breaking process is homolysis.

Concept of free radical substitution
In the presence of radiation of frequency similar to that of the covalent bond in Cl2, the resonance takes place and the oscillation is strong enough to make the Cl─Cl bond breaks homolyticaly to give a.Cl free radical.


The.Cl free radical initiates the next step of the reaction, producing methyl radical and HCl.


The methyl radical bonds to the Cl atom and gives a.Cl free radical.


In carbonyl compounds, there is a polar C=O bond as O atom is more electronegative than C atom. The C atom in C=O bond is electron poor and susceptible to the attack of nucleophiles(Nu).


Since the C=O bond is unsaturated, the C atom can accept the incoming nucleophile to form a new cavalent bond. The reaction is nucleophilic addition.

To conclude, the free radical substitution always takes place in saturated alkanes while the nucleophilic addition always takes place in carbonyl compounds.
你只需要辨認出functional group係咩,就好容易知道它會行咩反應


trimethylmethane is an alkane so the reaction is free radical substitution rather than nucleophilic addition.

2009-09-24 19:36:58 補充:
To michaelchan_wahyan

You name the molecule C(CH3)3H trimethylmethane, right?

The correct name of the molecule is 2-methylpropane.
2009-09-24 9:03 am
1) Trimethylmethane is incorrect naming for CH3-CH(CH­3)-CH3. Its name should be methylpropane.

2) In the chlorination of methylpropane, it is hardly for the carbon atom attaching to three methyl groups as the reaction site because steric hindrance is high due to the three bulky methyl groups.

3) Inductive effect can only slightly increase/decrease the electron cloud density of the radical carbon atom, but can NEVER change a free radial into carbanion/carbocation. Therefore, the type of reaction is free radical substitution.

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