what's the difference?

2009-09-24 1:16 am
what's the difference between 'agree to' and 'agree on' in terms of their meaning?

same case in 'know' and 'know of'?


回答 (2)

2009-09-28 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
agree to 中文為同意,多數都是用在一個人的身上。
agree to sb
E.g. I agree to Max about his opinion.
agree on 多數都是用在一樣東西或一項 term 上面的。
agree on sth.
E.g. I agree on Max's opinion.
know 是解作「知道」
E.g I know that you are a careful person.
know of 是指「知道某人或某事物的情況」
E.g. Do you know of anyway to stop a person snoring ?
參考: Dictionary + me
2012-02-28 6:58 pm

agree on 意思是 "雙方 (對某一問題) 達成一致意見
Both sides agreed on a price for the house.
通常用於formal d 既野,如兩國達成一致意見

agree with 意思是 "同 (某人) 的意見一致,適合,符合"
agree with sth 係可以
e.g. Ladies love shopping. I totally agree with it. (女士們愛購物,我對此十分認同)

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