positive and negative sentense

2009-09-23 3:58 am
I have some question about Statement of positive and negative.

e.g.Statement(+)positive:They go to church on Sundays.
Q.Do they go to church on Sundays?
Statement(-)negative:They don't go to church on Sundays.
I have some sentences to ask all of you.

2.He always speaks English.
3.A good dog always barks at strangers.
4.My brother cries when he is hungry.
5.The silly boy often asks stupid questions.
6.Our lesson starts at eight in the morning.

Please use the sentences to finish like a example.
I must to hand in this homework tomorrow.

回答 (3)

2009-09-23 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rules for changing between positive and negative statements:

A. Identifying the tense (找出時態) and the verb:

In the example, the verb 'go'; indicates it's a present tense

B. For a positive statement. Put the verb (go) after the subject (They)
and continue.

i. For a negative statement in present tense with the subject being 1st or 2nd person or 3rd person plural (第一/二身或眾數第三身) ,for example, 'I, We, They', put 'do not'; after the subject; and the remaining follows as given.

ii. If the subject is a 3rd person singular(單數第三身) i.e. 'He, She, It, A woman, The dog, etc.', put 'does not' after the subject, this time the verb must change to simple form, and the remaining exactly as given.


For 3) as negative statement would be:

A good dog


does not ( follows the Subject 'a good dog' as a 3rd person singular)


always bark (barks change to bark)


at strangers. (remaining follows as given)
2009-09-23 4:42 am
2. Statement(+)positive: He always speaks English.
Q.Does he always speak English?
Statement(-)negative: He sometimes/don't always speaks English.

3. Statement(+)positive: A good dog always barks at strangers.
Q.Does a dog always barks at strangers?
Statement(-)negative: A good dog do not/just sometimes always
barks at strangers.

4. Statement(+)positive: My brother cries when he is hungry.
Q.Does your brother cry when he is hungry?
Statement(-)negative: My brother does not cry when he is hungry.

5. Statement(+)positive: The silly boy often asks stupid questions.
Q.Does the silly boy often ask stupid questions?
Statement(-)negative: The silly boy does not often /never asks
stupid questions.
6. Statement(+)positive: I must hand in this homework tomorrow.
Q.Do you hand in this homework tomorrow?
Statement(-)negative: I do not hand in this homework tomorrow.
參考: 我
2009-09-23 4:42 am
2.Does he always speak English? He doesn't always speak English.
3. Does a good dog always bark at strangers? A good dog doesn't always bark at strangers.
4. Does your brother cry when he is hungry? My brother doesn't cry when he is hungry.
5. Does the silly boy often ask stupid questions? The silly boy doesn't often ask stupid questions.
6. Does our lesson start at eight in the morning? Our lesson doesn't start at eight in the morning.

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