
2009-09-23 2:47 am



回答 (5)

2009-09-23 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Strictly speaking, electric current is a concept in physics. It is defined as the "flow of electric charges in a unit time". The "charges" referred to in the definition do not limited to electron, it includes all types of charges, e.g. protons, positrons, +ve ions, -ve ions .....
The direction of current is further defined as the direction of flow of positive charges. Hence, a beam of protons flowing to the right constitutes an electric current flowing to the right.
Since electrons carries -ve charges, a beam of electrons flowing to the right can be construed (or imagined) as physically equivalent to a beam of positive charges of the same (charge) magnitude flowing to the left.

2009-09-23 7:03 am
Actually, the reason is that the direction of a conventinal current use a positive test charge.
In detail, there are 2 sides in a common circuit. The +ve side receive
electron from the -ve side.
Imagine in a common circuit, a +ve test charge is placed there. As like
charges repel and opposite charges attract, there exists a electric field
from the positive side into the negative side. Therefore, the +ve test
charge moves from the +ve side to the -ve one. As a result, the +ve
side is defined as having a higher electric potential, while that of the
-ve side is lower. Hence, if a +ve test charge is used, current flows
from the +ve to -ve.
In fact, the simple answer to this question is that the flow of current is
CONVENTIONAL. Later it is found that electron has opposite flow.
However, for convenience and simplicity, conventinal current flow
is used usually.
參考: Feel free to raise questions.
2009-09-23 4:51 am
The Flow Of Electrons Is Called電子流,
電子流 Is Flow From -ve To +ve,
But The Other Side,The Flow Of Charges Is Call 電流,In English,Current,Current Is Flow From +ve To -ve,
For Example,
LED Diodes Have A Substance That Light Up By +ve Have Current And -ve Have Electrons Flowing To The Internal Straucture Simultaneous,To Light The LED,So,If The Polarity Of LED Interchanges,The Each Side(Each Electrode)Of LED Recieve Another Flowing(Flow Of Elecrtrons And Charges Interchanges),
The Reversal Resistance Is Infinity(Open Loop),These The Basic Of LED,
Hope This Help!
參考: Physics - Electronics And Electromagnetism
2009-09-23 3:15 am
電子與電流係兩樣唔同既嘢, 就好似你飲水同游水本來就係同一樣既水, 為乜事你游水時唔順便一齊飲水, 係飲你游緊既水。
2009-09-23 2:55 am
你大d Phy有講...以+你聽住先啦^^

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