A joke (Eng) 十萬火急

2009-09-23 1:23 am
要一個A joke (Eng)最少要30字

回答 (3)

2009-09-23 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the English class....
Teacher: have anyone know what animal is green?
Students: ....
Teacher: student A, answer my question.
Student A: a frog
Teacher: good, student B, answer this question.
Student B: another frog, teacher
2009-09-23 4:45 pm


2009-09-23 1:36 am
There's 3 people went to take the plane. They wanted to see how high is the plane flying. The first person threw a rock, the second person threw a dollar and the third person threw a bomb. The second day, A,B and C meet theirselves in a park. A says: Yesterday a rock fell on my head! B says: Yesterday a dollar fell on my head! Do you know what C says? Yesterday, I was in the school entrance, I broke wind, the school was destroyed!

Maybe you aren't like this joke, but in Chinese it is FUNNY!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:29:47
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