代翻譯英文...特急!! 唔該哂!!

2009-09-22 6:59 pm
因為我公司有一單貨,客人要求discount 走貨, 但我們請求他們可否減小一些, 現有消息覆回是接受可以減小一些.但要我們confirm是否接受.

我想咁答覆返個客唔知好唔好... 請各位比d意見, 同埋請用中英對照吧!! 多謝幫忙!!

" 如果我想講多謝個客給予我司爭取到最後可以減少一大部份走貨... 萬分感激! 請告知怎樣處理落貨問題, 謝謝! "

回答 (6)

2009-09-23 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
原由:因為我公司有一單貨,客人要求discount 走貨, 但我們請求他們可否減小一些, 現有消息覆回是接受可以減小一些.但要我們confirm是否接受.
答覆返個客講:多謝個客給予我司爭取到最後可以減少一大部份走貨... 萬分感激! 請告知怎樣處理落貨問題, 謝謝

關於日前貴公司要求折扣之一單貨,承貴公司回覆接受敝公司提出減少一部份之請求,謹此致謝萬分!並確認所訂之新折扣率。另請告知怎樣處理落貨問題, 謝謝!
With regard to the shipment of goods for which we have negotiated with you on your requested discount, we are very grateful to you for agreeing to reduce the discount considerably.
We hereby confirm our acceptance of the revised discount rate. Please advise us on the unloading arrangement. Thank you!

2009-09-22 18:08:35 補充:
走貨 reference:
2009-09-23 4:51 pm


2009-09-23 4:19 am
HAHAA!! and he even said he translated it by himself~
2009-09-23 2:50 am
A:Because I have a single-goods company, guests walk discount goods, but we request that they can reduce the number of the existing message is to accept the follow-back can reduce the number of. But we confirm acceptance.

I would like to reply back to a customer咁Do not know a good one ... please more than d comments please use the bilingual decker bar!! Thank you help!!

"If I want to talk about a customer would like to thank for giving me the Secretary can be reduced to secure a large part of the final goods to go ... grateful! Please advise how to handle the loading and unloading problems, thank you!"
2009-09-22 10:51 pm
agneswy君, 想不到你為了那20分而用那些垃圾網上翻譯軟件來害人.
就算你不懂英文, 為甚麼譯文裡有 "走貨"這兩個中文字.
2009-09-22 8:50 pm
Because I have a single company, guest discount 走货, but we request that they can reduce the number of, existing message covering back to accept reduces. but we confirm whether they would accept.

I would like to return to a passenger and easy answer why okay ... I ask members to views than d, and please use bilingual, huh!! Thank you for help!!

"If I want to say thank you to give a guest to our company can reduce a majority last 走货 ... grateful! Please let us know how to deal with the problem of loading and unloading, thank you! "
參考: me a

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