(20分)明天要交essay, 中文轉英! 急!

2009-09-21 4:28 pm
(請將以下短文中文轉英文, 一萬個thanks)

"從今天開始我要有自己的主見, 不再受人操控". 這句說話是從我很小的時候媽媽已經教導我做人要這樣! 那年對我的改變的確很大! 已經忘記了爸爸媽媽究竟在那一年離婚, 真的很模糊! 大概在我9歲時吧! 媽媽離開了我們的家後, 只有我跟爸爸一起生活! 爸爸的脾氣變得很可怕! 以前, 爸爸從來不會對我有太多要求, 媽媽離開之後, 他就對我變得每件事都很"挑take"! 煮飯, 洗衫, 其他家務都是我一手包辦! 當然, 以前是由媽媽做的! 不竟, 我當時只得9歲吧! 我怎會懂得做這些功夫? 我家務做得不好, 他會罵我; 學校成績差, 他會罵我! 結交到他不喜歡的朋友, 他也會罵我. 他就是如此的喜歡干涉我的生活!

回答 (2)

2009-09-23 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
"從今天開始我要有自己的主見, 不再受人操控".這句說話是從我很小的時候媽媽已經教導我做人要這樣! 那年對我的改變的確很大!
"Starting from today I want to make my own decisions, and shall no longer be manipulated by others people." This statement is what my mother said when I was very small. It has been teaching me this way of life since then! The change in me was indeed tremendous in that year!
已經忘記了爸爸媽媽究竟在那一年離婚, 真的很模糊! 大概在我9歲時吧! 媽媽離開了我們的家後, 只有我跟爸爸一起生活!
I have forgotten in which year did father and mother divorce? The memory is really vague! Maybe when I was about 9 years old! After mother left our home,there was only me and my father living together!爸爸的脾氣變得很可怕! 以前, 爸爸從來不會對我有太多要求, 媽媽離開之後, 他就對我變得每件事都很"挑take"! 煮飯, 洗衫, 其他家務都是我一手包辦!
My father's temper became very fearsome! Before my father never asked too much from me. After my mother left,he became very fussy about everything I did. I had to do cooking, laundry and every other household chores all my myself!
當然, 以前是由媽媽做的! 不竟, 我當時只得9歲吧! 我怎會懂得做這些功夫? 我家務做得不好, 他會罵我; 學校成績差, 他會罵我! 結交到他不喜歡的朋友, 他也會罵我. 他就是如此的喜歡干涉我的生活!
These things were of course done by my mother before. After all, I was only 9-year-old then! How did Iknow how to do all these chores?He wouldcurse me when the housework was not perfectly done. He would curse me when I got poor school results. He would even curse me when he did not like the friends I made. He just liked tointerfere with my life in these ways!
2009-09-21 11:38 pm
"From today I have know their own minds, no longer subject to manipulation." This statement is from when I was very young my mother had taught me a man to be so! That year is indeed a substantial change for me! Have forgotten What father and mother divorced in the year, it is really vague! about 9 years old in my bar! mother left our home, only I told my father to live with! father's temper, become very frightening! ago my father never ask too much for me, my mother left, he told me everything has become very "pick take"! cooking, laundry and other household chores are my single-handedly! Of course, the by the mother to do! do not actually, I was only 9-year-old bar! How can I know how to do these martial arts? my housework done well, he would curse me; schools, poor academic performance, he would curse me! make that he did not like friend, he would call me. he is so liked to interfere in my life!

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