Physics: mechanical wave

2009-09-21 4:15 am
A spring has a natural length L and spring constant K. when it is stretched to a length 1.5L, the wave speed on it is v. What would be the wave speed if it is stretched to 2L?

想問個spring constant 係咩黎?另求詳細solution. thx~

回答 (1)

2009-09-21 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let m be the mass of the spring.

By Hooke's law,

F = kx, where x is the extension in the spring.

When the length is 1.5L, x = 1.5L - L = 0.5L

Tension, T = 0.5kL

Mass per unit length, u = m/1.5L

So, v = sqrt(T/u)

v = sqrt(0.75kL2/m) ... (1)

When the spring is stretched to 2L,

Tension, T' = k(2L - L) = kL

mass per unit length, u' = m/2L

Wave speed, v' = sqrt(T'/u')

v' = sqrt(2kL2/m) = v sqrt(8/3)

參考: Physics king

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