ABRSM二級小提琴Aural Part D 20點

2009-09-21 1:09 am
Largo = ?
Larghetto = ?
Adagio = ?
Andante = ?
Moderato = ?
Allegro = ?
Presto = ?
agitato = ?
alla marcia = ?
comode = ?
con dolore = ?
con fuoco = ?
con moto = ?
dolente = ?
doloroso = ?
funebre = ?
furioso = ?
grazioso = ?
impetuosp = ?
leggiero = ?
lugubre = ?
mesto = ?
strepitoso = ?
semplice = ?

回答 (1)

2009-09-21 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Largo = slow.

Larghetto = rather slow.

Adagio = slow.

Andante = at walking pace.

Moderato = moderate speed.

Allegro = fast.

Presto = very fast.

2. agitato = agitated

alla marcia = in the style of a march.

comodo = convenient.

con dolore = with grief.

con fuoco = with anger.

con moto = with movement.

dolente = sad.

doloroso = sorrowful

funebre = funeral.

furioso = furious.

grazioso = graceful.

impetuosp = impetuous.

leggiero = light.

lugubre = mournful.

mesto = sad.

strepitoso = noisy.

semplice = simple.

3. 你試試彈C and E together, major 3rd apart (4 semitone), which sound major. Then play C and Eb, minor 3rd apart (3 semitone), which sound minor. And keep trying on others like F and A (major), F and Ab (minor), so on. 多聽就會聽出分別.

'The AB Guide To Music Theory Part I' by Eric Taylor 對你有用.

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