
2009-09-20 10:37 pm

回答 (5)

2009-09-20 11:02 pm
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This Friday Mr.Lee send me a composition , many words I don't pay attention to the composition.Saturday when I got up , I find that I am sick . I feel very dizzy ,I did not have strength and had a bad cough so I went to see the doctor . I find that the cough mixture's taste is not good so I don't want to drink .Sunday when I got up and I find that I was throat sore, my family gave me a Lozenges but I did not getting better. But luckily I left burning .This week really unlucky.

我打得好辛苦,希望幫到你喇 0v0

2009-09-20 15:05:18 補充:
我打錯左, Sorry / \

many words i dont know so I don't pay attention to the composition.
參考: Myself= ]
2009-09-20 11:09 pm
This Friday Mr. Lee sent an article to me. There were many words I
didn't know how to read so I didn't take notice of it. On Saturday when I woke up, I found that I had a fever and I felt very tired. I also had cough so that I went to see the doctor. The medicine was very unpalatable, I didn’t want to drink it. On Sunday after I had woke up, I found that I had throat sore. My parents gave me some cough drops but I didn’t recover. Luckily the fever went away. What a unfortunate week!
參考: me ^v^
2009-09-20 11:03 pm
Mr.Lee this Friday to send text articles than I have left, many not even read the word, so there a rationale to the chapter text. Saturday got up front there is a little fruit fever, head over there a good halo, are there any body force, Zhong You d Well, why go to a doctor closer look at the left, d好难drink cough syrup, stir to me not you agree好想drink. Sunday after the Prophet got up and they have d sore throat, my family left lozenges Eurya eat better than I, but neither the Department of Good back, but good luck back left burning. this week the Department of luck really.
> 互换
2009-09-20 10:57 pm
This Friday, Mr. Lee handed out an essay to me. I didn't understand a lot of words so i didn't pay attention to it. When i woke up on Saturday, I had a fever and my head hurts. My whole body felt weak and i had some cough, so I went to see the doctors. The medicine he gave me tasted so bad that i don't want to drink it. When i woke up on Sunday i had a sore throat. My family gave me some cough drops but I'm still sick. Luckily the fever went away. This is an unlucky week.
參考: me
2009-09-20 10:48 pm
This Friday Mr.Lee party left article much better man than me, all the reading of the word, so no actual benefit to ARCULLI to get up article man. Saturday have some fruit array fever, hold the ball head Halo, all with no actual force, love d cough, so he went to the left to see a doctor, d cough syrup good hard to drink, I'm not good to want to drink after the Prophet got up and on Sunday. have d sore throat, members carrying a left-to-eat laryngeal sugar than me, but have not yet returned to the Department, but good luck retreat left burning. this weeks really unlucky.

2009-09-20 18:50:22 補充:
參考: me, a

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