
2009-09-20 8:37 pm
如果一個人講過一句說話, 應該要用past tense, 包括其內容. 但如果佢講既係一d道理,咁係咪仍然係past tense呢?

e.g. He explained to her that being thin does not/did not represent being beautiful.

或者哩句唔一定係道理, 咁我講講另一句.

He said that water boils/boiled at 100 degree celcius.

請有心人解答! thx!

回答 (3)

2009-09-22 12:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用present tense,

e.g. He said that water BOILS at 100 degrees celcius

becuase, boils is not applied to "He", it is being applied to "water"
water will always boil at 100 degrees celcius

the same for the first case
2009-09-20 9:58 pm
You should use present tense because the content is still true

i.e. He said that water BOILS at 100 degree Celsius
2009-09-20 9:13 pm
Use present tense.

He said that water boils at 100 degree Celsius.

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