
2009-09-20 7:01 pm
The often-controversial story of one of the world's most popular entertainers comes to life in this made-for-cable biographical drama. Michael Jackson (Alexander) grew up in the spotlight as a member of the popular R&B combo the Jackson 5, but his youthful success came with a price -- robbed of a normal childhood, as he grew to be a man, Jackson found himself increasingly eager to remake his life into the childhood he never had. In the 1980's, Jackson's solo career caught fire, and his album Thriller became the biggest selling album of all time, moving over 40 million copies and making him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. But as Jackson struggled to repeat its success, his public image and reputation became increasingly eccentric, and as allegations of drug abuse, excessive plastic surgery, and inappropriate behavior with children were thrown at him, Jackson found himself trapped between his desire to entertain his fans and proving to the world that he was a normal and law-abiding man.

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2009-09-22 10:17 pm
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The often-controversial story of one of the world's most popular entertainers comes to life in this made-for-cable biographical drama. 那個關於世界上其中一位最著名的演藝者,慣常爭議性的故事,活生生地呈獻在這個度身訂做的傳記式話劇裡。
Michael Jackson (Alexander) grew up in the spotlight as a member of the popular R&B combo the Jackson 5,米高‧積遜 (亞力山大)是流行音樂組合----積遜五人樂隊的其中一位成員,在聚光燈下成長。
but his youthful success came with a price -- robbed of a normal childhood, as he grew to be a man,但是他少年成就的實現,要付出代價 ,就是他成為男士的同時,也被剝奪了一個正常的童年。
Jackson found himself increasingly eager to remake his life into the childhood he never had. 積遜覺得自己越來越熱衷於重組他的生活,回到他從未有過的童年。
In the 1980's, Jackson's solo career caught fire, and his album Thriller became the biggest selling album of all time, moving over 40 million copies and making him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.在八零年代,積遜的個人歌唱事業起飛,他的專輯『震撼者』成為有史以來最高銷售量的專輯,超過四千萬張,令他富有到超越自己狂野的夢想。
But as Jackson struggled to repeat its success, his public image and reputation became increasingly eccentric, 但是當積遜再度奮力爭取成功時,他的公眾形象和聲譽亦越見古怪
and as allegations of drug abuse, excessive plastic surgery, and inappropriate behavior with children were thrown at him, Jackson found himself trapped between his desire to entertain his fans and proving to the world that he was a normal and law-abiding man.他被指控濫用藥物、過度整容和與孩童有不適當的行為時,他覺得自己糾纏於渴望滿足歌迷,及向世界證明自己是個正常和守法的人之間。
2009-09-22 7:13 am
參考: 自己

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