語譯 左傳 宣公二年

2009-09-20 1:43 am

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2009-09-21 11:06 pm
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魯宣公二年春天,鄭國的公子歸生接受楚國的命令,向宋國征伐。宋國的掌政大臣華元、宋臣樂呂率軍抵禦。 (魯宣公二年的)二月初十日,兩國軍隊在大棘交戰。宋國的軍隊戰敗。俘獲了華元、斬獲樂呂,並獲取鐵甲車四百六十乘。俘虜了二百五十人,割下 (宋國軍士的)左耳以獻戰功百人。
參考: 網上+自己意見
2009-09-20 1:50 am
Two year spring, the Zheng son turns over to live is ordered in Chu, cuts down Song. Song Huayuan, Le Lu imperial it. In February the ninth stem, fights Yu Daji, Song Shi is defeated. Imprisons the Chinese Yuan, attains Le Lu, and the armored car 460 ride, prisoner of war 250 people, face hundred. The crazy crafty lu Zheng person, Zheng Renru in the well, pours the halberd, but it, attains crazily crafty. The gentleman said: “is disrespectful disobeys orders, suitable it for birds and beasts. Rung, illustrious bold and resolute listens to say the ritual, kills the enemy for the fruit, wins for resolute. Easy it, to unite.”

Will fight, Hua Yuan kills Yang Shishi, its imperial Yang Zhen not with. And the war, said: “sheep in the past, sub-is a politics; Matter of the today, I am the politics.”With enters the Zheng teacher, therefore defeats. The gentleman says: “the sheep pours out, also inhuman, private regrets by it, the defeat country exterminates the people, therefore is punishment who big? "Poem" so-called 'human not good', its sheep pours out it to say! The remaining people flaunt.”

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