help !!grammar

2009-09-19 5:49 am
唔該help me 睇下d grammar,有無錯

I think footballers do not deserve to earn so much money.Because
they are not saving our life, they are just playing for their club adn make us happly.

I think policman should be paid most, because they catch the thief, so we won't lose our staff.

回答 (5)

2009-09-19 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think footballers do not deserve to earn so much money because
they do not save our life. They just play for their club and make us happ.

這裡「because they...」應與前一句連在一起,而不是後一句。否則後一句便變成「因為他們沒有拯救我們,所以他們只為球會作賽,使我們快樂」。不合邏輯!

I think policman should be paid the most because they catch thieves so that we won't lose our stuff.

most 前應有 the。警察不只捉一個賊。警察捉賊,所以我們不會損失財物 stuff,而不是損失下屬 staff。
2009-09-19 5:03 pm
I think footballers do not deserve so much money. (or, I do not think footballers should earn so much money.) They are not saving our lives, they are just playing for their club and making us happy. I think policemen should be paid the most, because they help us catch thieves, so we will not lose anything.
2009-09-19 6:42 am
I think footballers do not need to be given so much money since they are not saving our life, they are just playing for their club and make us happily.

I think the police should be paid the most because they help us to catch the thief, so we won't lose anything.
參考: hg
2009-09-19 6:03 am
sorry, i guess some of the correction by Yogi are wrong.

I think footballers do not need to be given so much money since they are not saving our life, they are just playing for their club and making us happy. (or even better if u say cheering instead of making us happy)

i apologize if i offend.
2009-09-19 5:57 am
The bold one is corrected by me.
I think footballers do not need to be given so much money since they are not saving our life, they are just playing for their club and make us happily.
I think the police should be paid the most because they help us to catch the thief, so we won't lose anything.
參考: Myself

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