用 do, does, are, is 問問題

2009-09-19 5:04 am
我不明白怎樣分何時用do, does 或 are, is 問問題

for example

1) Are (Do) you parents going out often in the evening?
No, they usually stay home and watch TV.

2) Are (Does) your watch keeping good time?
No, it's always five minutes fast.

回答 (6)

2009-09-20 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,你提供的两个句子都是用着现在进行式 (Present Continuous Tense),所以你只可以用 is / are 而已,单数和不可数的名词用 is,反而众数和可数的名词就用 are 咯。
1) Are you parents going out often in the evening?
No, they usually stay home and watch TV.
2) Is your watch keeping good time?
No, it's always five minutes fast.
如果你的发问题目是用简单现在式 (Simple Present Tense) 或回答者的答案是用简单现在式的话,那你就可以用 do / does 了,单数和不可数的名词用 does,反而众数和可数的名词就用 do 咯。
希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-09-19 17:06:16 補充:
2009-09-21 10:22 am


2009-09-19 6:20 pm
We start a question with "Do/Does" when the question is in present tense and the word "Do/Does" is an auxiliary verb. There is another verb in the question which acts as the main verb.
e.g. Do you understand?
The main verb of this question is "understand".

We start a question with "Are/Is/Am" when the word acts as:
1. an auxiliary verb.
e.g. Is she crying? (The main verb in this question is "crying")
2. a main verb.
e.g. Is she tall?
2009-09-19 6:08 am
to: 002
not excatly right, e.g. are you nut?<---is not present continuous tense,
it should base on the meaning of that particular sentense to distinguish either using is/am/are or do/does.
i apologize if i offend, just try 2 help =)

2009-09-18 22:13:59 補充:
n i'm not sure that if the question using present continuous tense to ask, u should answer in present continuous as well, like ur example:
are your watch keeping good time?
no, it's always being five minutes fast

2009-09-18 22:14:08 補充:
and the first example seems a bit strange, should be:
do your parents go out often in the evening?
no, they usually stay at home and watch TV
not so sure about this, ask someone else to make sure, hope it helps=)
2009-09-19 6:02 am
1. Are you parents going out often in the evening?
No, they usually stay home and watch TV.
(The words "are" and "is" are used in questions of present continuous tense.)

2) Ia your watch keeping good time?
No, it's always five minutes fast.

(The words "do" and "does" are used in questions of simple present tense.)


2009-09-19 5:06 am
he she it = is does
they we I you = are do

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