主題: 吹水 (中譯英)

2009-09-18 7:34 pm
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:
你唔好信他十足, 佢只不過係吹水!
你只顧晌道吹水, 唔洗做呀?

回答 (3)

2009-09-18 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't trust him entirely, he is just bluffing!
Hey, don't just go on and on and on. Don't you think that you have nothing to do!
參考: just trying.
2009-10-06 3:47 pm
談個不停 talk nonstop


We talked nonstop at first, but soon lapsed into silence.

2009-09-18 8:22 pm
Don't take it too serious on what he said, he's only chin-wagging.
Hey, don't just chin-wagging here, shouldn't you go back to work?

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