Econ - Demand and Supply Model

2009-09-18 6:48 am
1) Which of the following will shift the supply curve for good X leftward?
A) A situation in which quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied.
B) An increase in the cost of the machinery used to produce X.
C) A technological improvement in the production of X.
D) A decrease in the wages of workers employed to produce X.
2) The price of a gallon of milk falls. Which of the following is a possible cause?
A) A decrease in the price of otmeal, a complement to milk.
B) A discovery that milk cause diabetes.
C) An increase in the income of the average household, with milk being a normal good.
D) A drough that reduces supplies of feed grains fed to cows that produce milk.

我now year1讀既basic econ野...可能係ce程度掛~

回答 (2)

2009-09-18 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer of Q1 is B. As the cost of X up, producers will produce less if the price is the same. > Shifts leftward.

C will cause a rightward shift as tech. improvement will lower the production cost.
D will also cause a rightward shift as the cost of X down.

A. Oatmeal price down, demand up, so as the demand of milk, price of milk may go up.
C. Ppl won't buy less normal when their income up. And the relationship between income and milk price is so weak that this cannot be an answer.
D. This should cause milk price up as the supply is reduced.
參考: HKCEE econ?
2009-09-19 1:04 am
ce or 334 econ ch1 就係教呢 d ...
我之前上 bridging couse 果時都學過下^^

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