Grammar-gerund problem

2009-09-18 4:53 am
What is wrong in the below sentence? Why do the "being" in front of cooked? Why cannot use cooked only?

Wrong : Electricity supply interruption led to many of the dishes cooked in the wong order.

Right: Electricity supply interruption led to many of the dishes being cooked in the wong order. (Gerund in passive voice)

回答 (3)

2009-09-18 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ah Wai:

Dishes cooked = (當時) 已被烹調好的食物

Dishes being cooked = (當時) 正被烹調中的食物


因此,第 2 句才是正確合理的表達方式。

句末應為 the WRONG order,而非 WONG order。


What is wrong with the sentence below?

Why is "being" put in front of "cooked"?

Why can we not use "cooked" only?

此外,動詞後 + ing 可以是 gerund,亦可以是 present participle。

分別只是前者作名詞用 (She enjoys SWIMMING.),而後者則作形容詞用 (Who is that CRYING baby?)

2009-09-18 03:45:27 補充:

dishes COOKED 不是 Past Form Verb,故不存在死物會否煮食的問題。

句中的 dishes COOKED 和 dishes BEING COOKED 都是被動式形容詞。分別只是前者解作「已被烹調好的食物」,後者則解作「正被烹調中的食物」而已。

句中的 dishes 是 Object,不能使用動詞;故其後出現的 cooked 必是 Past Participle ,而非 Past Form Verb 。
2009-09-18 7:30 am
首先,being 是個現代分詞 present participle,在這裡與 cooked 一同用於被動式 passive voice。所以 being 不是用作 gerund。

第二,being cooked 強調正在烹調,因為停電影響正在烹調的食物。
2009-09-18 6:16 am
because the dishes are not alive, they cannot cook, they have to be cooked, so instead of cooked, need to use being cooked to represent passive.

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