murdoch university

2009-09-16 9:19 am
1) 香港政府承唔承認murdoch university既DEGREE??

2) murdoch university喺國際&香港既認受性OKAY嗎?

3) 去澳洲嗰邊讀書有冇特別野要注意?

黎緊可能會去murdoch讀電腦, 希望大家幫幫忙, 十萬個感激!

回答 (3)

2009-09-18 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 香港政府承唔承認murdoch university既DEGREE??
Actually HK Government will not recgonise University Qualification from Oversea. They will recgonise professional body from oversea, that mean it mean nothing if you hold an oversea degree but this is a different story if that degree was recgonise by a professional body (Such as ACS in Info Tech)
ACS recgonise All australian QAF qualification, so you can get into ACS after you graduate from murdoch. Don't worry.
2) murdoch university喺國際&香港既認受性OKAY嗎?
This is a problem. murdoch University is not top or even middle brand university in Australia, not many people know such university even ever exists.
Will have to say, If you seek international recgonition, you better study somewhere else.
3) 去澳洲嗰邊讀書有冇特別野要注意?
A Lot, first, you need to know,
The season is exactly different in Australia than in HK.
You can only apply working permittion when your term started.
You may not work for more than 20 hours.
Always keep your visa valid
Bear in mind you need to renew Medical Insurance every year.
Australia is 2 hours ahead in EST, 3 hrs ahead in DST 1 hour ahead in WST
You need to notify school any changes in your circumstance.
參考: I am NOT an agent in Australia, my wife used to work for DIAC tho
2009-09-17 7:59 pm
If you are interested to study Information Technology in Perth, Curtin would be a good choice.

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2009-09-16 8:16 pm
你既認可定義 係.... 人地會唔會覺得你係大學畢業生?
由於Murdoch 都係一間澳洲教育局同澳洲政府認可既大學.
hk 會認可既...

但係認受性就唔高lor. 因為澳洲既大學係計星級. 5星係最高. 1星為最低

呢間murdoch, 得1-2星....同埋全球排名7百幾.... 俾hk 大部份(差唔多全部大學都低一大節. 你真係考慮呢間大學嘛?

如果你想知多D澳洲學校既野, 可以EMAIL / MSN 我地

Email: [email protected]
MSN:[email protected]
參考: 自己都係澳洲十年啦.

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