
2009-09-16 5:47 am

修clc, ue, phy, chem, bio
ce只有20分, eng maths b, other subjects all c
clc b
ue b
phy c
chem b
bio b
想讀醫科, hk無可能

1. 咁邊一個國家對醫生需求較大?
2. 有意到澳洲的墨爾本大學 (university of melbroune)讀醫,
3. 澳洲讀醫最易是那一間大學?
4. 聽過有人去新加坡讀醫較平同較易,
5. 最易讀醫, 收生又合我al成績的, 是那個國家? 或那所大學?


回答 (3)

2009-09-16 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, i want to tell you this, here and now, if you cannot get in to Medical School in HK, you should not get into Medical School anywhere in the world. Medical School standard is more or less the same around the world, there is a reason you fail to get into medical school in your own country, i don't understand why people will think medical school oversea is easier than in HK, then you are dead wrong.
1. 咁邊一個國家對醫生需求較大?
Every third world country need a lot of doctor, (Country like jamica or african country) most developed country (US, Canada, Australia, UK) have more doctor than hospital...And Working as a doctor is not as well pay as it should.....
2. 有意到澳洲的墨爾本大學 (university of melbroune)讀醫,
Would have to say, you don't have a chance....As far as i know, you need to have A in both Biology and A in Chemistry (in both CE and AL) to get in Medical school of any top 8, i reckon the UMelb intake requirment is higher than most of the HK university.
3. 澳洲讀醫最易是那一間大學?
Honest, there aren't any easier, you need to pass a UMAT cut off in order to apply any Australian Medical School. They are standardised course, that mean if there is a school offering a degree in medicine, they will take exactly the same student and teach exactly the same thing..
Where did you study is probably only a geographical issue (ie which state you live in), more than difficultity issues.
4. 聽過有人去新加坡讀醫較平同較易,
Dunno much about this........
5. 最易讀醫, 收生又合我al成績的, 是那個國家? 或那所大學?
Honestly, Cuba, they have the best doctor turnout ration (I think they have like 10,000 grudate as a doctor each year.
2009-09-16 8:29 pm
如果你要由A LEVEL 直入 MELB U 既YEAR 1 讀醫 或者其他有名既澳洲大學讀YEAR 1 醫科. 起碼約有1個A, 2個B 左右. 先有大D 機會.

另外簡單D 既會係先讀FOUNDATION. 再入YEAR 1讀醫咁就易好多.


sydney uni
monash 等等....
以上係一d 比較有名既澳洲醫科大學.
都d 無咁出名, 收生要求低d既.
但要睇返你係想讀foundation 再入有名既大學.

如果你想知多D澳洲學校既野, 可以EMAIL / MSN 我地

Email: [email protected]
MSN:[email protected]
Web: www.QCeducation.com
參考: 自己都係澳洲十年啦. www.QCeducation.com
2009-09-16 10:52 pm
1. 咁邊一個國家對醫生需求較大?

需求大0既意思係咪即係有工開, 有錢搵? 你意思定係你真係想行醫先? 我國都好需要醫生架喎, 但人工一個月先得幾千蚊人仔, 山區更缺, 人工就.

如果純綷搵工, 賺錢.. 唔一定係醫生. 可以揀Physiotherapy, Radiotherapy, 澳洲都好吃香. 我D朋友都好易搵工, 人工都唔差.

2. 有意到澳洲的墨爾本大學 (university of melbroune)讀醫,

嘩, 你唔好以為外國讀書就一定易入先得架. 醫科同 Law 呢到好搶手, 要成績好好先入到.

3. 澳洲讀醫最易是那一間大學?

我諗咁講, University of Western Sydney 可能會易少少, 以終佢比較新開呢科.如果你唔係公民. 醫護科目一般收費都比商科, 工程貴. 要諗諗你 budget 先好. 同埋起碼讀四, 五年. 計好條數先.

4. 聽過有人去新加坡讀醫較平同較易,

no idea.

5. 最易讀醫, 收生又合我al成績的, 是那個國家? 或那所大學?

我諗唔會易囉. 大佬, 人命黎. 一定要求好高.

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