主題: 篤檸檬 (中譯英)

2009-09-15 9:10 pm
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:
A: 唔! 呢道D檸檬茶好似無咩檸檬味播!
B: 當然啦! 你掛住睇報紙, 都未篤檸檬.

回答 (4)

2009-09-16 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A: Oh! The lemon tea here looks no taste of lemon at all!
B: Of course! You are so concentrated on the newspaper and haven't poked the lemon yet.
(1)用Oh而不敢用Hm來譯「唔」,是因為不清楚外國人會否用Hm(但中文內加Hm 就見得多),這点需請高人指教。
(2) concentrate on the book就是指專心讀那本書了,不一定加reading (純愚見)

2009-09-16 18:48:52 補充:

Hem: exclamation in writing to indicate a sound made when coughing or clear the throat to attract someone's attention or express hesitation.

Hum: exclamation used to express hesitation or dissent.

2009-09-16 18:49:03 補充:
h'm( also hmm): exclamation & noun variant spelling of Hem, Hum.

因此上面Oh---> H'm or Hmm or Hem or Hum.


2009-09-18 08:46:41 補充:
H'm ( or Hmm) : short form of hem and hum.


2009-09-20 12:57:36 補充:
From Yahoo dictionary:


1. 集中;聚集,集結[Q]
2. 全神貫注;全力以赴[(+on/upon)]
She couldn't concentrate on a book very long.
參考: , Oxford Dictionary., Oxford Dictionary.
2009-10-31 4:08 am
My attempt:

A: Oh! The taste (or flavour) of the lemon tea served here seems to be too MILD/ LIGHT.

B: Hey! You have your nose all the way in the (news)paper. Don't you know that you haven't crushed (擠壓/ 壓榨) the lemon?


2009-10-30 20:11:43 補充:

4) food/taste

not very strong or hot-tasting: 清淡的
- a MILD curry
- a cheese with a pleasant MILD flavour

2009-10-30 20:12:11 補充:


Please make my drink a mild one.

2009-10-30 20:12:40 補充:

a) food or drink that is light either does not have a strong taste [≠ rich]:

- We had a LIGHT white wine with the fish.
- a LIGHT, refreshing dessert

2009-10-30 20:13:05 補充:

I enjoy light wine.
2009-09-16 4:16 am
Q.請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:

A: 唔! 呢道D檸檬茶好似無咩檸檬味播!

B: 當然啦! 你掛住睇報紙, 都未篤檸檬.


2009-09-15 20:17:07 補充:
回答:A: Not! Said that the D lemon tea seems does not have baa the lemon taste to broadcast!

B: Certainly! You hang look at the newspaper, not sincere lemon.
參考: 聰明筆and字典
2009-09-15 9:26 pm
A: 唔! 呢道D檸檬茶好似無咩檸檬味播!
Hm... the cup of lemon tea here seems no taste of the lemon, and there is no enough lemon!

B: 當然啦! 你掛住睇報紙, 都未篤檸檬.
Of course they didn't, that is because you didn't poke the lemon into juice while you are concentrate on reading the newspaper, man!

Must right!
Hope I can help you!

參考: me

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