主題: 的士司機講價 (中譯英)

2009-09-15 8:58 pm
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:
打八號風, 的士司機難免會同乘客講價, 調高收費,

回答 (4)

2009-09-16 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
When typhoon signal No. 8 was hoisted, inevitably the taxi bargained with the passenger for a higher fare as the car insurance would not cover any accidents under such circumstances.

2009-09-15 23:32:56 補充:
the word "driver" is missing, ti should be :

inevitably the taxi driver bargained with.....
2009-09-16 4:21 am
問題:請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝:

打八號風, 的士司機難免會同乘客講價, 調高收費,


回答:Hits eight winds, the taxi driver handles jointly with the passenger to bargain unavoidably, to raise the charge,

The accident which because the insurance does not wrap hits eight wind period occurs.


I can help you

bye bye!!!!!!!!
參考: 聰明筆and字典
2009-09-15 9:29 pm
打八號風, 的士司機難免會同乘客講價, 調高收費,
It is now on the typhoon signal number eight, the taxi drivers may rise price for making more income in the extreme weather with the costumers.

Because of that the insurance company do not insurance the accidents or injuries while the typhoon signal number eight is hanging.

Must right!
Hope I have helped you!

參考: me

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