
2009-09-15 4:48 pm
我上年中5畢業,得果6分....(include 中英數),只有4科pass.....我上年開始讀city的 diploma,我突然間今日先發覺我讀緊d野好似無前途.....因為呢個course係無high dip...我對升學果d真係完全無概念,我完全唔知degree、diploma、high dip、asso等等係咩一回事...我真係好想去外國讀書,但奈何無$.....我最想去澳洲,人地話可以去到果邊再一邊打工一邊交學費,我想知去外國讀書係讀d咩?大學?有咩科?(請見諒...我真係唔知..../.\)最重要係,以我咁o既成績仲有無機會去澳洲讀書?每年大約最少要幾多$?我依家可以做d咩來儲錢?唔該大家比d意見丫,我唔要成個web site or sales! 謝謝各位!

回答 (2)

2009-09-18 7:52 pm
6分係可以去澳洲讀書的. 我都係在澳洲讀書, 有d同學可能係連6分都無, 當然亦有人好叻啦, 不過就係因為澳洲既課程選擇好多樣, 所以先咁多人鍾意去澳洲. 所以你有6分吾駛擔心, 一定搵到啱你讀既學校同course.

如果你無乜錢, 可以一邊做part-time, 一邊番學的. 不過當然打工既time係吾可能夠你全部既生活費啦, 在澳洲讀書, 一般最平都要15萬一年(包學費及食住生活費). 你最少都要有一年錢, 再加埋打工, 先有可以在當地生活落下.

你想咩基本上都有得讀喎, 我學校就連整車, 机械工程, 酒店管理, 木工....當然亦好普遍多人讀既會計, 金融, 人工資源...... 都有, 視乎你想讀咩囉.

我建議你先諗清楚自己興趣在邊方面, 想讀d咩, 再從該方面入手搵資料. 知道學費大約几多錢. 再努力儲錢. 或者問你屋企人幫下你手, 因為在香港生活儲錢真係好難.... 起碼有十零几萬先搞去讀書既野, 因為在外國生活乜野都係錢, 就算在那邊可以做part-time, 都未必咁快搵到啦.

希望以上意見幫到你, 我都係在澳洲讀書的, 如有問題可以email我[email protected] 大家交流下啦.
參考: 自己
2009-09-15 6:41 pm
我對升學果d真係完全無概念,我完全唔知degree、diploma、high dip、asso等等係咩一回事
Diploma is a 1 year course thatdesign to use as alternate result to get in Year 1 in University. Or you can get a diploma and start working. It acts both ways.
Degree is a bachelor degree that studied in University, most university graduate would have a bachelor degree (3 years) or honored bachelor degree (4-4.5 years) or a master degree (3 years bachleor + 2 years master)
Higher Diploma(High Dip) and Assoicate-Degree (asso) is both higher education. Both of them bridge to year 2 or even year 3 in university bachelor degree. Both High Dip and Asso are 2 years award degree.
Most student cannot pay tuition in full while studying in Australia. Australia is one of a few country that allow student to work during semester but a student can only work 20 hours per week during school semester and can be worked freely when outside school date.
It is normally not enough to cover full tuition fee and living expenses You can do the maths yourselve. $10/hr average and work 20 hrs per week, you will have $800 AUD a month and you need $8000 per semester (6 months) and $10,000AUD for living expenses per year.
In your case, you will probably start from studying Cert IV then 1 year diploma and then year 1 in University Bachelor degree.
You can, but you need to start from very low lv, in your case, you will probably ended up Cert IV course and then Diploma and University.
ALl tuition is pay upfront. So, you will need about $20,000 AUD ~ $120,000 HKD in your bank before you can start making the trip. Then every yeah, there's goes another $20,000AUD
You can work your arse off.....

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