f.4 Phy (Heat)2

2009-09-15 7:07 am
The internal energy (total energy stored by an object) also depends on the total number of particles.
我唔明點解同total number of particles有關?

本書後面仲提到''Since the icy ocean contains a much larger number of particles,its internal energy is larger than that of a bucket of molten metal.'' ke 本身係 molten 大過 icy , pe 又 gas/liquid 大過 solid ? 本書既假設性乜有可能咩?

回答 (1)

2009-09-15 4:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, the internal energy of an object depends on two factors.

1. Molecular kinetic energy

2. Intermolecular potential energy

K.E. depends on the temperature of the molecules only.

For intermolecular P.E., it depends on the total number of particles. You may consider more molecules contribute to more to P.E.

That's why the total also depends on the total number of molecules.

參考: Physics king

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