
2009-09-15 5:53 am
now hong kong wants to tweak us rules, to make changes that officials say are reasonable and slight but that opponents say could open the door to potentially serious abuse by employers just when a maid is at her most vulnertable. live-in helpers like all contract employess. are legally guaranteed 10 weeks of matermity leave . if they have worked for an emplaints by employers groups . the government wants to specify in the contaract that should a maid become pregnant , she and her employer may terminate the contract by mutuar consent and with appropriate compensation paid by the employer.

回答 (1)

2009-09-15 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這段文字應該有上文下理的, 好像是香港當局想修改外籍家傭的懷孕保障法例, 這文章的作者好像不大認同
........現在, 香港似乎有意扭曲這些規則*, 當局當然辯稱有關改動是輕微而合理的, 但反對意見則認為, 這樣只會讓僱主在傭工最無助的關頭剝削她們權益.
現時, 留宿的家庭傭工和所有按僱傭合約受聘的僱員一樣, 只要受僱期合乎法例規定*, 一旦懷孕便可依法享有10星期的產假. 政府現打算修改標準僱傭合約的條款, 列明傭工一旦懷孕, 雙方都可根據協議終止合約, 只要僱主合理補償便可.

* "這些規則"應該是指上文提及的某些規則, 這裡看不到是指甚麼
* "if they have worked for an emplaints by employers groups" 這段不知道想說甚麼, 可能是抄錯了. 我猜是有關受僱期期的條件

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