[問英文字] 強烈「顯」責 的英文是什麼?

2009-09-15 4:58 am
例如: 我對某件事表示強烈「顯」責

PS: 唔要網上翻譯器

回答 (3)

2009-09-16 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
impeach (v)
impeachment (n)
by the way, 你是不會強烈「顯」責某件事,只會強烈「顯」責某負責人。
2009-09-15 4:56 pm
I think the XXXX incident is a reprobation.

e.g. I think the Chen Sui Ban incident is a reprobation.
2009-09-15 7:23 am
單單講譴責係 Condemn
I strongly condemn that incident.
參考: Myself

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