
2009-09-15 3:40 am
在上星期我收到公司的支票及己入我帳戶, 但我發覺數目與我估計的有點出入, 請問可否告知是怎樣計算出來? 如真的有錯漏, 又會在何時補回給我?

回答 (4)

2009-09-17 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
I had received a cheque from the company and had deposited into my account, yet I had found discrepancies between the actual amount and my estimated amount. May I ask how did you come up with this amount? And should there be a mistake, can you advise as to when will you provide me with the remaining balance?
2009-09-15 5:11 pm
I have already banked the cheque issued to me last week by the company, and noted that the amount is different from what I had anticipated. Please kindly explain how that sum was calculated, and if it were to be miscalculated when will I receive the differences?
2009-09-15 6:34 am
Last week, I received the cheque from my company and kept it in my account. However, I realized that the quantity is a bit different from that I have estimated. May I ask that how to calculate this out. If there are some mistakes, when would you give the remaining fund to me?
2009-09-15 4:06 am
Last week I received a company check and have been into my account, but I find that the number and I guess that's a bit out of, would you please tell what is calculated? If mistakes really, when will get back to me?
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