
2009-09-14 9:10 pm

回答 (3)

2009-09-14 9:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係要搵方法解決問題, 唔係暫腳趾被沙蟲, 如果唔起樓唔通d人瞓街咩, 就算政府偏幫地產商, e+咁多民間團體都可以出黎講野, 表達市民心聲, 相對內地已行前左一大步, 雖然唔係樣樣野政府肯聽, 但訴求一定要表達, 監察政府各部門運作, 市民都有責任.
2009-09-14 9:28 pm
Nobody likes the happening of the incident. If stop constructing buildings, where do HK people live, and where do you live? Mr. or Ms. Safeproducts, please think through before you ask. Otherwise, people will think that you are asking stupid questions and your are wasting time/resources.
2009-09-14 9:28 pm

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