Some English structure problem

2009-09-14 6:12 pm
Management is conferred to the directors who were chosen primarily by the shareholders of the company.

Management is conferred to the directors, who were chosen primarily by the shareholders of the company.

I would like to know which part of the first sentence is modified by the word "who".

And how about the the second sentence? What is the function of the "," prior to the word "who"?

A street-sleeper has made his home with old cartons and blankets on the street corner near the mail box.

I also would like to know which part of the sentence is described by the word of "on" and "near".

"Near the mail box" can modify "the street corner" or "his home" ?

回答 (3)

2009-09-14 10:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一,二句who都係modify "the directors"
冇"," = 表示你唔識directors。<---definiting clause
有","= 表示你識directors。<---non-definiting clause

on the street, near the mail box都係prepositional phrase.
用作類似adverb of place.

成句main sentence係 "A street-sleeper has made his home."
由於句子意思唔完整,所以先加" with old cartons and blankets", "on the street" , "near the mail box"等prepositonal phrase.
2009-09-19 8:28 pm
有無想過幫自己找一位好的外籍老師學好英文的發音, 拼音, 文法和聽講?? 我的先生是位英國人, 現職是一位英文補習老師, 擁有國際認可的TEFL/TESL英語教學文憑及多年教學經驗,可於任何時間替各學生或成人補習英文. 收費合理, 如有興趣可與本人聯絡:

胡小姐 電: 6278-7528
2009-09-14 7:21 pm
The word "who" in the first sentence modifies "the directors".
The function of the "," in the second sentence is to tell us that the relative clause is a non-defining one.
"On the street" modifies "his home".
"Near the mail box" can modify "the street corner" or "his home".

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