neat & tidy的解釋,有何分別?

2009-09-14 6:02 pm
neat & tidy的解釋,有何分別?

回答 (3)

2009-09-14 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
整齊= neat /tidy

The room is neat. = The room is tidy.

Tidy can be used as a verb, but " neat" cannot.
( Neaten = verb )

I am tidying up my room. <---Correct
I am neating up my room. <----Wrong "Neat" is not a verb.
tidy n/v/adj adverb = tidily
neat/n/adj neat can be an adverb

Informal. neatly.
DERIVATIVES tidily adverb
1)He was dressed tidily(adverb).
2) He was dressed neatly/neat(adverb).
3) He was dressed tidy(adjective).<=======
( According to those two dictionary websites above and some other dictionaries, "tidy" cannot be used as an adverb.)
We should use 1) and 2).
Footnote: Some native English speakers do use"tidy" as an adverb in oral English.

2009-09-20 3:54 am
actually, they are the same in meaning and usage.
neat = clean + tidy (not messy)
tidy = not messy
參考: living in USA
2009-09-14 9:40 pm
neat 同tidy同樣解整齊


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